如何做馒头:简易 零失败mantou/steamed bun [Eng sub] EP16 *4K | Emilee's Kitchen 愛米丽厨房


这个馒头,只经过一次的发酵过程。所以它大大缩短了我们制作的时间。做妈妈的,总是最好东西可以越快越好,不是吗? 可是你们不要担心,因为这个做法我已经试过很多次了。有段时间,我甚至一星期做了两次。在这个视频里面,你也可以看到,它是多么的松软。不管你怎么压,它还是会彭回来。


材料 ingredients:
250克中筋面粉 250g all purpose flour
140克水 140g water
一小撮盐 pinch of salt
1/2 茶匙酵母粉 1/2 tsp dry yeast powder
20克白糖 20g sugar
5克油 5g oil

** 蒸的时候,我们就用发酵面团时用的水起蒸。15-18分钟,中火,都是合适的时间范围。因为每个人家的炉灶火候也不同。
** 发酵时间,每个人也不一定。因为用的酵母粉不一样。我用了20分钟,有些人可能用30分钟。所以用我的方式来测试最妥当。
Please note:
** do not add all the 140g water at once. Start with 120g, add slowly until all the mixed well. It is because different flour had different water absorption.
** after finish kneading, the dough should be soft and should not be sticky. If you use thermomix, the kneading time will be approx 3 minutes.
** Before steaming, use the same water during the fermentation process. steam at medium heat for between 15 - 18 minutes. The time difference is due to the different power of each household cooktop.
** The proofing time for each person will be different too because the different yeast used. I used only 20 minutes but some people may use 30 minutes. Therefore follow my method to test is the best.


相关影片 related video:
Bento/便当 ————》》

Others / 其他:
蛋豆腐 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3STajmJpNY&t=2s

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